At our web site you may find some info, but it is much faster to contact us: you will discover in few minutes that we can be the right law firm for your needs.

Graziotto & Partners :: Avvocato Fulvio Graziotto :: Studio Legale in Sanremo (Imperia) - Genova - Milano

I nostri uffici principali sono a Sanremo (IM), ma operiamo in tutta Italia, e in modo particolare nelle seguenti località e regioni:

  • Sanremo, Imperia, Savona, Genova, Cuneo, Alessandria, Torino, Milano

  • Liguria, Piemonte, Lombardia, Toscana, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto

Graziotto & Partners :: Advocate-Lawyer Fulvio Graziotto :: International Law Firm in Italy - Sanremo (Imperia) - Genova - Milano

Our main offices are in Sanremo (IM, Italy), but we also operate in the following towns and areas:

  • Sanremo, Imperia, Savona, Genova, Alessandria, Torino, Milano

  • Liguria, Piedmont, Lombardy, Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto

Legal Assistance :: Legal Advice :: Disputes and Litigation in the following domains:

  • Civil Law

  • Commercial Law

  • Contractual Law

  • Company Law

  • International Law

  • Tax Law

  • M&A (mergers and acquisitions) and cross-border transactions

We provide adequate assistance and advice also in:

    Environmental Law

    Administrative Law

    Provisioning Law

    Insurance Law

    Bank Law

    Competition Law

    Condominium Law

    Energy Law

    Bankruptcy Law

    Franchising Law

    Real Estate Law

    Labor Law/Employment Law

    Renting Law

    Maritime Law

    Criminal Law

    Transport Law

List of Lawyers - Attorneys - law Firms in Italy

  • List of Lawyers - Attorneys in Sanremo (Italy)

  • List of Lawyers - Attorneys in Imperia (Italy)

List of Lawyers - Attorneys - law Firms in Italy

  • List of Lawyers - Attorneys in Alessandria (Italy)

  • List of Lawyers - Attorneys in Cuneo (Italy)

  • List of Lawyers - Attorneys in Genova (Genoa, Italy)

  • List of Lawyers - Attorneys in Milano (Milan, Italy)

  • List of Lawyers - Attorneys in Savona (Italy)

  • List of Lawyers - Attorneys in Torino (Turin, Italy)

International Lawyer :: International Law Firm :: International Legal Assistance :: International Legal Advice :: International Disputes and Litigation

Thanks to our foreign correspondents, we are in position to provide global assistance in over 150 jurisdictions.

Here are some Countries in which we can assist Italian and foreign businesses:

  • Albania

  • Angola

  • Argentina

  • Armenia

  • Australia

  • Austria

  • Bangladesh

  • Belgium

  • Bhutan

  • Bolivia

  • Brazil

  • Bulgaria

  • Cambodia

  • Cameroun

  • Canada

  • China

  • Costa Rica

  • Croatia

  • Cyprus

  • Czech Republic

  • Denmark

  • Egypt

  • El Salvador

  • Estonia

  • Finland

  • France

  • Germany

  • Georgia

  • Greece

  • Guatemala

  • Holland

  • Honduras

  • Hong Kong

  • Hungary

  • India

  • Indonesia

  • Ireland

  • Israel

  • Italy

  • Japan

  • Jordan

  • Kazakhstan

  • Kenya

  • Libya

  • Luxembourg

  • Macedonia

  • Malta

  • Mauritius

  • Mexico

  • Netherlands

  • Nicaragua

  • Nigeria

  • Pakistan

  • Panama

  • Paraguay

  • Peru

  • Philippines

  • Poland

  • Portugal

  • Qatar

  • Romania

  • Russia

  • Senegal

  • Serbia

  • Slovak Republic

  • Slovenia

  • South Africa

  • Spain

  • Sri Lanka

  • Sweden

  • Switzerland

  • Syria

  • Taiwan

  • Thailand

  • Turkey

  • U.A.E.

  • Ukraine

  • U.S.A.

  • Venezuela

  • Vietnam

OBOR - New Silk Road

OBOR - Silk Road Economic Belt

L'iniziativa strategica della Cina è conosciuta anche come:

OBOR - One Belt One Road Initiative

OBOR - New Silk Road Plan

21st-century Maritime Silk Road

One Belt and One Road Initiative (OBOR)

Belt and Road (B&R)

Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) (OBOR)

With our foreign partners and correspondents we have developed a specific program to assist Italian and foreign companies to grag the opportunities of the OBOR initiative.

In particular, we focus on the following Countries, for which specific desks have been activated:


  • Italy Desk

  • Italian Desk


  • Italy-China

  • China-Italy

  • China Desk

  • Chinese Desk

Hong Kong

  • Italy-Hong Kong

  • Hong Kong Desk


  • Italy-Taiwan

  • Taiwan-Italy

  • Taiwan Desk

  • Taiwanese Desk


  • Italy-France

  • France-Italy

  • France Desk

  • French Desk


  • Italy-Germany

  • Germany-Italy

  • Germany Desk

  • German Desk


  • Italy-Spain

  • Spain-Italy

  • Spain Desk

  • Spanish Desk

Over time we have acquired an overall knowledge of the legal system, thus we can assist you in every area. We favor quality over quantity.
Although we are focused on some areas of law, we shy away from an exasperated specialization that makes you lose the overall vision.

Areas of activity of our Law Firm - Graziotto & Partners - Sanremo IM Italy

Areas of activity of our Law Firm

Areas of activity of Graziotto & Partners

Enterprise Law Firm

We take care of a limited number of cases so that we can perform at the best.

The clients of our law firm know very well that our first goal is to protect their interest without any compromise, and that we do not stop in front of obstacles as most ordinary lawyers in Italy would do.

This is the reason why, notwithstanding our focus on some areas of law, we have a good overall knowledge of the Italian law and are able to provide our clients with a qualified support in several areas of legal assistance.

Discover the Relevant practices of our Law Firm

Diritto Internazionale - Contrattualistica Internazionale

Prestiamo consulenza ed assistenza per la contrattualistica internazionale, la modulistica, il contenzioso e la responsabilità contrattuale ed extra-contrattuale con l'estero.

Collaboriamo con professionisti e studi legali corrispondenti in oltre 150 paesi esteri, e siamo in grado di prestare consulenza, assistenza, protezione e tutela legale internazionale in ambito civile, commerciale, contrattuale, finanziario, M&A (mergers & acquisitions), penale, societario e IP.

Grazie alle competenze multidisciplinarie e alle esperienze che abbiamo maturato in oltre trent'anni, la nostra assistenza è davvero unica.

Assistenza Legale Export - Accordi Internazionali

Prestiamo consulenza ed assistenza alle negoziazioni e alla stesura di accordi con controparti estere e all'estero.

Collaboriamo con professionisti e studi legali corrispondenti in numerosi paesi esteri, e siamo in grado di coordinare anche eventuali contenziosi all'estero.

Sviluppo Internazionale

Il nostro Studio Legale si è impegnato a svolgere il ruolo di advisor esclusivo per l’area legale a favore delle imprese che hanno aderito alla soluzione «WORLD DESK»© promossa da BIZADIT GROUP.

Le imprese aderenti possono avere accesso immediato a soluzioni utili a supportare il loro sviluppo in ambito internazionale: il nostro studio legale ha colto la sfida, e si è impegnato a dare il proprio contributo prestando assistenza quale advisor esclusivo per l’area legale M&A e internazionale. Oltre a ciò, i membri dei networks a cui aderiamo sono in grado di fornire assistenza in numerose attività, dalle investigazioni preventive sull'affidabilità delle controparti alla costituzione e gestione di società estere.

Contenzioso Internazionale

Ci occupiamo ricorrentemente di contenzioso internazionale, sia in ambito UE che Extra-UE, praticamente in quasi tutti i settori di attività.

Siamo particolarmente qualificati per seguire questioni intricate e complesse, che coinvolgono valori e interessi molto rilevanti.

Grazie alla rete di colleghi e corrispondenti in numerosi Paesi, siamo in grado di tutelare adeguatamente gli interessi dei nostri clienti.

Prestiamo assistenza sia a imprese italiane coinvolte in contenzioso con controparti estere, sia imprese straniere che si rivolgono a noi per tutelare i loro interessi in Italia.

Litigation Funding

Il «litigation funding» consiste nel finanziamento della disputa, con pagamento dovuto solo a risultato favorevole per il cliente.

In qualità di legali, svolgiamo una verifica preventiva per conto di società che, all'esito dell'analisi, decidono se e come finanziare il contenzioso.

Per le imprese che non sono in grado di affrontare controversie particolarmente impegnative in termini di tempo e oneri legali, è spesso la soluzione ideale, perché consente di depurare il bilancio da accantonamenti e riserve che penalizzano il rating dell'impresa.

Normalmente sono oggetto di possibile valutazione anche le controversie nazionali, purché con valori rilevanti e di natura complessa.

Graziotto & Partners - 18038 Sanremo (IM) - ITALY

Why we are unique for Companies

What makes us unique is the ability to provide legal advice and assistance to businesses at 360 degrees. This very enlarged coverage about the specific needs and issues of companies allowed us to acquire important skills, a vision of the legal aspects integrated in their activities, and an approach that fits into their operational context.

We have also been able to develop specific models and methods of assistance that can prevent risks and reduce the surface of attack under the legal perspective, lowering the level of vulnerability of client companies, of their stakeholders and the people who work there.

Discover Why our Law Firm is unique for companies
Specialized in corporate clients operating in many sectors of activity

When we decide to assist a company, we take care of it for any legal aspects, ensuring comprehensive assistance in civil, criminal, administrative and international law.

Assisting companies in legal issues at 360°, and covering all areas of relevance to their business, we succeed in assisting them in the various stages of their life cycle.

This approach has allowed us to accumulate a wealth of expertise and diversified experience, while remaining a lean and flexible firm, able to assist properly even the most dynamic companies.

Legal expertise centered on the needs of companies

Our advice and assistance is characterized by its comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to corporate legal issues, with particular focus on the companies oriented to the international marketplace.

The main areas covered in our integrated legal assistance are:


Advice and assistance both judicial and extrajudicial on relevant legislation, regulatory, organizational and management for the benefit of banks; debt recovery activities

Commercial Law

Advice and assistance about company contracts, application forms and general terms, litigation and liability, contractual and extra-contractual liability

Corporate Law

Advice and assistance in the establishment of companies and to the formalities required by law and regulations; advice and support for demerger transactions, mergers, takeover bids and exchange

Tax Law

Advice and assistance both judicial and extrajudicial for the benefit of individuals and companies in all aspects of national taxation

Employment Law

Specialized assistance about contracts; individual and collective dismissals; safety in the workplace; assistance in litigation stage

International Law

Advice and assistance for international contracts, application forms and general terms, litigation, contractual and extra-contractual liability

Bankruptcy Law

Judicial and extrajudicial assistance relating to each type of insolvency and bankruptcy proceedings, ordinary and special; assistance to companies for the protection of rights in respect of insolvency proceedings

Criminal Law

Support and defensive activity in favor of individuals and organizations involved in criminal proceedings on the following crimes: corporate crimes, crimes against the person, bankruptcy crimes, crimes against property, crimes against the administration of justice, environmental crimes, crimes related to privacy, zoning and building violations